


1.RSA.generateKeys() -> publicKey_base64, privateKey_base64

2.RSA.encrypt(plaintext, publicKey) -> cipher text_base64

3.RSA.decrypt(ciphertext_base64, privateKey_base64) -> plaintext

# DPFace_Crypto_RSA
import base64
import rsa
import DPFace_Crypto_Base64

# 可加密的字符串长度,默认为512
len_rsa = 512

# RSA.generateKeys() -> (Base64公钥, Base64私钥)
def RSA_generateKeys() -> (str, str):
    # 生成公钥、私钥
    (pubkey, privkey) = rsa.newkeys(len_rsa)
    # Base64处理并返回
    return (DPFace_Crypto_Base64.encode(str(pubkey)), DPFace_Crypto_Base64.encode(str(privkey)))

# RSA.encrypt(明文, Base64公钥) -> Base64密文
def RSA_encrypt(plaintext: str, publicKey: str):
    # Base64公钥 -> 公钥
    publickey = DPFace_Crypto_Base64.decode(publicKey)
    n_beg = 10
    n_end = publickey.find(",", n_beg, len(publickey))
    e_beg = publickey.find(" ", n_end, len(publickey)) + 1
    e_end = len(publickey)-1
    n = int(publickey[n_beg:n_end])
    e = int(publickey[e_beg:e_end])
    # 明文编码格式
    content = plaintext.encode("utf-8")
    # 明文 -> HEX bytes
    ciphertext = rsa.encrypt(content, rsa.PublicKey(n, e))
    # ciphertext = rsa.encrypt(content, pubkey_tmp)
    # HEX bytes -> HEX str
    return DPFace_Crypto_Base64.encode(str(base64.b16encode(ciphertext)))

# RSA.decrypt(Base64密文, Base64私钥) -> 明文
def RSA_decrypt(ciphertext_base: str, privateKey: str):
    # Base64密文 -> 密文(HEX str)
    tmp = DPFace_Crypto_Base64.decode(ciphertext_base)
    ciphertext_hex = tmp[2:len(tmp)-1]
    # HEX str -> HEX bytes
    ciphertext = base64.b16decode(ciphertext_hex)
    # Base64私钥 -> str私钥
    privatekey_str = DPFace_Crypto_Base64.decode(privateKey)
    # str私钥 -> 私钥
    n_beg = 11
    n_end = privatekey_str.find(",", n_beg, len(privatekey_str))
    e_beg = privatekey_str.find(" ", n_end, len(privatekey_str)) + 1
    e_end = privatekey_str.find(",", e_beg, len(privatekey_str))
    d_beg = privatekey_str.find(" ", e_end, len(privatekey_str)) + 1
    d_end = privatekey_str.find(",", d_beg, len(privatekey_str))
    p_beg = privatekey_str.find(" ", d_end, len(privatekey_str)) + 1
    p_end = privatekey_str.find(",", p_beg, len(privatekey_str))
    q_beg = privatekey_str.find(" ", p_end, len(privatekey_str)) + 1
    q_end = len(privatekey_str) - 1
    n = int(privatekey_str[n_beg:n_end])
    e = int(privatekey_str[e_beg:e_end])
    d = int(privatekey_str[d_beg:d_end])
    p = int(privatekey_str[p_beg:p_end])
    q = int(privatekey_str[q_beg:q_end])
    privatekey = rsa.PrivateKey(n, e, d, p, q)
    # 私钥解密
    content = rsa.decrypt(ciphertext, privatekey)
    # 明文编码格式
    content = content.decode("utf-8")
    return content


1.AES.generateKeyIv() -> key, iv

2.AES.encrypt(plaintext, key, iv) -> ciphertext_base64

3.AES.decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv) -> plaintext

import base64
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from Cryptodome import Random

# 数据块的大小  16位
BS = 16
# CBC模式 相对安全 因为有偏移向量 iv 也是16位字节的
# 填充函数 因为AES加密是一段一段加密的  每段都是BS位字节,不够的话是需要自己填充的
pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s.encode()) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s.encode()) % BS)
# 将填充的数据剔除
unpad = lambda s: s[:-ord(s[len(s) - 1:])]

# AES_generateKeyIv() -> (公钥, 偏移)
def AES_generateKeyIv() -> (str, int):
    # CBC加密需要一个十六位的key(密钥)和一个十六位iv(偏移量)
    key = 'neudpfacetuandui'
    # 随机获取iv
    iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
    return (key, iv)

def AES_encrypt(plaintext: str, key: str, iv: int) -> str:
    # 输入合法化
    plaintext = pad(plaintext).encode()
    # 定义初始化
    cipher = AES.new(base64.b16encode(key), mode, base64.b16encode(iv))
    # 加密并返回
    return base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(plaintext)).decode()

def AES_decrypt(ciphertext: str, key: str, iv: int):
    # 将密文进行base64解码
    ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
    # 初始化自定义
    cipher = AES.new(base64.b16encode(key), mode, base64.b16encode(iv))
    # 返回utf-8格式的数据
    return unpad(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext[:])).decode()


SHA256.hash(text) -> hash

import hashlib

# SHA256_hash(str文本) -> str散列
def SHA256_hash(text: str) -> str:
    return hashlib.sha256(text.encode()).hexdigest()


1.Base64.encode(text) -> text_base64

2.Base64.decode(text_base64) -> text

import base64

# Base64.encode(文本) -> base64文本
def encode(text: str) -> str:
    st = text.encode()
    ans = str(base64.b64encode(st))
    ans = ans[2:len(ans)-1]
    return ans

# Base64.decode(base64文本) -> 文本
def decode(text: str) -> str:
    ans = str(base64.b64decode(text))
    ans = ans[2:len(ans)-1]
    return ans


import DPFace_Crypto_Base64
import DPFace_Crypto_RSA
import DPFace_Crypto_SHA256
import DPFace_Crypto_AES

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 测试Base64
    _input0 = input("请输入要Base64加密的文本: ")
    _input0_base = DPFace_Crypto_Base64.encode(_input0)
    _input_debase = DPFace_Crypto_Base64.decode(_input0_base)

    # 测试RSA
    (publickey, privatekey) = DPFace_Crypto_RSA.RSA_generateKeys()
    _input = input("请输入需要RSA加密的文本: ")
    ciphertext = DPFace_Crypto_RSA.RSA_encrypt(_input, publickey)
    print("Base64+Rsa的密文为: ", ciphertext)
    plaintext = DPFace_Crypto_RSA.RSA_decrypt(ciphertext, privatekey)
    print("解密得到的明文为: ", plaintext)

    # 测试SHA256
    _input2 = input("请输入待Hash(SHA256)的文本: ")

    # 测试AES CBC
    (key, iv) = DPFace_Crypto_AES.AES_generateKeyIv()
    _input3 = input("请输入待AES加密的文本: ")
    ciphertext = DPFace_Crypto_AES.AES_encrypt(_input3, key, iv)
    print("AES+base64密文:" + ciphertext)
    plaintext = DPFace_Crypto_AES.AES_decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv)
    print("原文:" + plaintext)

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