



object counter { 
    var count = 0; 
    public func inc() { count += 1 }; 
    public func read() : Nat { count }; 
    public func bump() : Nat { 

In the declaration of object, the variable count was explicitly declared neither as public nor as private.


2.【Object Types】


    inc : () -> () ; 
    read : () -> Nat ; 
    bump : () -> Nat ; 

(包含花括号的这个整体就是其object type,⚠️能够表示在type中的一定是可访问的,私有成员的type不会出现在object type中)

Each field type consists of an identifier, a colon :, and a type for the field content. Here, each field is a function, and thus has an arrow type form (_ → _).


The inaccessibility of this field comes with a powerful benefit: By not exposing this implementation detail, the object has a more general type (fewer fields), and as a result, is interchangeable with objects that implement the same counter object type differently, without using such a field.

To illustrate the point just above, consider this variation of the counter declaration above, of byteCounter:

import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8"; 
object byteCounter { 
    var count : Nat8 = 0; 
    public func inc() { count += 1 }; 
    public func read() : Nat { Nat8.toNat(count) }; 
    public func bump() : Nat { inc(); read() }; 

This object has the same type as the previous one, and thus from the standpoint of type checking, this object is interchangeable with the prior one:

    inc  : () -> () ;
    read : () -> Nat ;
    bump : () -> Nat ;

Unlike the first version, however, this version does not use the same implementation of the counter field. Rather than use an ordinary natural Nat that never overflows, but may also grow without bound, this version uses a byte-sized natural number (type Nat8) whose size is always eight bits.

As such, the inc operation may fail with an overflow for this object, but never the prior one, which may instead (eventually) fill the program’s memory, a different kind of application failure.


4.【Object subtyping(类似于C++中类的继承与派生)】

In Motoko, objects have types that may relate by subtyping, as the various types of counters do above. As is standard, types with more fields are less general (are subtypes of) types with fewer fields. For instance, we can summarize the types given in the examples above as being related in the following subtyping order:

  • Most general:
{ bump : () -> Nat }
  • Middle generality:
   inc  : () -> () ;
   read : () -> Nat ;
   bump : () -> Nat ;
  • Least generality:
   inc  : () -> () ;
   read : () -> Nat ;
   bump : () -> Nat ;
   write : Nat -> () ;

If a function expects to receive an object of the first type ({ bump: () → Nat }), any of the types given above will suffice, since they are each equal to, or a subtype of, this (most general) type.

However, if a function expects to receive an object of the last, least general type, the other two will not suffice, since they each lack the needed write operation, to which this function rightfully expects to have access.

5.【Object classes】

In Motoko, an object encapsulates state, and an object class is a package of two entities that share a common name.

Consider this example class for counters that start at zero:

class Counter() {
   var c = 0;
   public func inc() : Nat {
     c += 1;
     return c;


The value of this definition is that we can construct new counters, each starting with their own unique state, initially at zero:

let c1 = Counter();
let c2 = Counter();

Each is independent:

let x = c1.inc();
let y = c2.inc();
(x, y)

We could achieve the same results by writing a function that returns an object:

func Counter() : { inc : () -> Nat } =
   object {
     var c = 0;
     public func inc() : Nat { c += 1; c }

理解:以上代码声明了一个名为Counter的函数,该函数形参为空,返回值类型为{inc : () -> Nat},即返回值是object对象,且=号后面给出了该返回值类型(object)的实例(实现),为object{var c=0; public func inc() : Nat{c+=1; c } };

⚠️语法补充:直接给出实现 等同于 给出type,然后加上等于号,后面给出实现。


class Bits(n : Nat) {
    var state = n;
    public func next() : ?Bool {
        if (state == 0) { return null };
        let prev = state;
        state /= 2;
        ?(state * 2 != prev)    //类型为?Bool


type Bits = {next : () -> ?Bool}
let Bits : Nat -> Bits =
func Bits(n : Nat) : Bits = object {
    // class body

Notice the return type of this constructor function (an object type):

{ inc : () -> Nat }

We may want to name this type, for example, Counter, as follows, for use in further type declarations:

type Counter = { inc : () -> Nat };


In fact, the class keyword syntax shown above is nothing but a shorthand for these two definitions for Counter: a factory function Counter that constructs objects, and the type Counter of these objects. Classes do not provide any new functionality beyond this convenience.

即:实际上,class关键字就是一个函数(如type为func:()->Counter),这个函数实现了以上两个模块的简写,一是声明了Counter是 返回值type为object type{…}(该type起名为Counter) 的一个函数,二是给出了该type的具体实现。(真方便……)

6.【Class constructor】

对象类定义了一个构造函数,该构造函数可以携带零个或多个数据参数(data argument)和零个或多个类型参数(type argument)。

Data arguments

Suppose we want to initialize the counter with some non-zero value. We can supply that value as a data argument to the class constructor:

class Counter(init : Nat) {
   var c = init;
   public func inc() : Nat { c += 1; c };
结果:func : Nat -> Counter

This parameter is available to all methods.

For instance, we can reset the Counter to its initial value, a parameter:

class Counter(init : Nat) {
   var c = init;
   public func inc() : Nat { c += 1; c };
   public func reset() { c := init };

Type arguments




import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer"; 
class Counter<X>(init : Buffer.Buffer<X>) { 
    var buffer = init.clone(); 
    public func add(x : X) : Nat { 
    public func reset() { buffer := init.clone() }; 
结果:func : <X>(Buffer<X>) -> Counter/1<X>

Type annotation


For example, we repeat the Counter as a buffer, and annotate it with a more general type Accum<X> that permits adding, but not resetting the counter. This annotation ensures that the objects are compatible with the type Accum<X>.

import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer"; 
type Accum<X> = { add : X -> Nat }; 
class Counter<X>(init : Buffer.Buffer<X>) : Accum<X> { 
    var buffer = init.clone(); 
    public func add(x : X) : Nat { 
    public func reset() { buffer := init.clone() }; 

Full syntax:

In full, classes are defined by the keyword class, followed by: - a name for the constructor and type being defined (for example, Counter) - optional type arguments (for example, omitted, or <X>, or <X, Y>) - an argument list (for example, (), or (init : Nat), etc.) - an optional type annotation for the constructed objects (for example, omitted, or Accum<X>), - the class "body" is an object definition, parameterized by the type and value arguments (if any).


The constituents of the body marked public contribute to the resulting objects' type and these types compared against the (optional) annotation, if given.


7.【Structural subtyping









对于新程序员来说,Motoko中其他值得注意的例子包括array, options, variants and number type inter-relationships(数组、选项、变体和数字类型的相互关系)。



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